Nuts, Nutrition, & Your Health
Over the course of time one food item has shown considerable benefits for the health of our bodies.
The following list of nuts will detail the nutritional benefits of various nuts and how and why they will aid our health if we only consume some of them in our diets each day.
Erase a headache as two almonds give you the same pain killing power as aspirin but no stomach upset. Both aspirin and almonds contain salicylates, chemicals that reduce inflammation and block pain signals. Because Almonds are full of vitamin E they calm nervous system, reduce muscle tension and relax blood vessels to improve circulation to the head. Three Almonds after a meal can eleminate heart burn pain.
Are the only nut that contains vitamin C, a nutrient proven to ease stress. When researchers gave
the vitamin to people before they delivered an anxiety provoking peach their stress levels plunged
nearly 20% in fifteen minutes. Chestnuts are the nut lowest in fat and calories.
Peanuts put the breaks on aging. You've heard of reseat the age defying flavored found in red wine and purple grape juice - now you can add peanuts to that list. Study-proven to stave off age related cell damage reseat also boost flood tot he brain by 30% reducing the risk of stroke and dementia. With more than 30 vital nutrients peanuts boast a higher anti oxidant content than carrots, beets, or apples. Roasted Peanuts have their anti oxidant content increased by up to 22%.
Tuna and Salmon are high in brain boosting Omega 3's but Walnuts contain even more Omega 3'S
with no worry of mercury toxins. One hand full or 1/4 Cup contains more than 2 gram's, the daily
recommended amount to keep your mind sharp, prevent depression, and prevent Alzheimer's Disease. Research links low Omega 3 intake to reduced short term memory. Lowers blood pressure when at rest or stressed.
Pecans can lower your bad LDL Cholesterol by 16.5% . Credit goes to it's supply of Vitamin E, plant sterols, and Beta-Sit Sterol. Research has just reported the Pecan is a super food because
it has a higher antioxidant content than any other nut and almost any other food.
Eat three Brazil Nuts and you'll feel more confident and composed. You will get a day worth of Selenium, a mineral with anti-anxiety and mood boosting properties. Volunteers placed on either a high or low selenium diet for 105 days reported the high selenium group felt more happy, more relaxed, and more self assured. In a study in Wales people who upped their intake of selenium reported feeling happier six months later.
Pistachios are cholesterol-free and high in monounsaturated fat, which is a good fat and means that they, along with other nuts, will help protect you from heart attacks. The copper, magnesium, and B vitamins in pistachios all strengthen your immune system, making your body fit. Can lower your
blood sugar swings after eating as it slows glucose absorption in your body.
An excellent source of vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium, copper, phosphorous, and iron.
Copper in cashews has healing properties, and may help rid the body of infections. Magnesium is important for the formation of protein and overall body energy; phosphorous works with calcium to form strong bones and teeth; while iron is necessary to maintain healthy red blood cells, hair, skin, and nails.
Although they may be small, they're packed with nutrients, especially vitamin E and selenium. Hazelnuts can provide several health benefits. Selenium may prevent premature aging, cell and tissue degradation, and works with vitamin E to produce healthy red and white blood cells.
The oil in macadamia nuts is 84% monounsaturated, and they are packed with potassium and magnesium. Being so high in monounsaturated fat means that macadamia nuts are great for clearing out the arteries. The magnesium and potassium in these nuts help take care of the rest of your body and are necessary for muscle, nerve and heart function, the body's water balance, overall energy levels, and activating B vitamins.
Not everything we call a nut is truly a nut. Peanuts, Soy nuts, and Pine Nuts for example. Yet they may have similar properties to nuts. So what is a nut really ? Nuts are generally the seeds or extensions of fruits, encased in a hard outer shell, and grow on flowering upright trees or shrubs.
Nuts are one of the healthiest snack foods available. Researchers now report that nuts may have a variety of health benefits, from preventing heart disease and diabetes to fighting cancer, and more over , nuts are not as fattening as was once thought.
In the late 1990's the Seventh Day Adventists Church reported on a study they had commissioned to examine the health benefits of eating tree nuts over a period of time. Some 34,000 California Adventists were studied over 20 years and the conclusion was that consumption of nuts halved the risk of fatal heart attack. The Adventists have a long history of health consciousness going back to Dr John Harvey Kellogg at the Battle Creek, Michigan health spa known as "The San" where much ground breaking research was conducted, and it's influence has carried through the 20th Century.