Honey and your Health
The healing power of honey dates back thousands of years
as the Greeks and Romans used it to treat ailments.  Pots
of Honey were found in King Tut's tomb in Egypt.  In WW 2
soldiers on the battle field applied it directly to wounds
when they couldn't get other medications.  Researchers today have found other amazing uses for honey.  Honey can help arthritis sufferers by improving circulation decreasing inflammation and stimulating a healthy immune system.

In Denmark researchers gave severely arthritic patients a
mixture of one teaspoon of honey and a half teaspoon of cinnamon powder before breakfast.  Of 200 people, many of whom couldn't move without pain, 73 were pain free within a

Honey and apple cider vinegar are known to be an effective
arthritis pain treatment medication from old folk medicine days.  Mix 2 tsp of organic honey from the comb with 2 tsp
of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water and drink this three times a day.  Relief should begin within a few weeks.

Honey applied to the skin can provide long lasting joint relief.  Make a paste of 1 part honey and 1 part cinnamon powder to 2 parts of warm water and rub on painful joints
and massage well.  You'll feel relief within minutes.

Penn State University proved that a spoon full of honey out
performed over the counter cough remedies.  105 children ages 2 to 18,  were given honey or a honey flavored substance or no treatment at all.  The honey reduced the severity and frequency of night time coughs.  Honey reduces the inflammation associated with the cough and fights infection that leads to the inflammation.  It also kills the
bacteria that causes sinus infection better than antibiotics because honey has natural antiviral properties.

Honey is also shown to eliminate the bacteria that leads to
tooth decay and periodontal diseases.  All Honey contains hydrogen contains hydrogen peroxide and an enzyme glucose
oxidase and anti bacterial.  Dentist recommend rubbing a small amount of honey into the gum line after brushing to
prevent dental plaque from sticking. 

Honey has some anti Cancer causing properties.  Honey has special bio flavonoids that block carcinogens and lab test
show compounds in honey can even kill cancerous cells and shrink full blown tumors.  A study in Bulgaria found bee keepers have a 20% lower risk of cancer, just because of their constant exposure to honey.

Honey is 1 1/2 times sweeter than white sugar so for every cup of sugar you would use you can substitute half that amount of honey.  For the most nutrients look for raw or wild honey which is darker than regular honey. 

The best honey in respect to having all the nutrients will come from a piece of wax comb.  Those who process honey may
place a frame of honey comb from the hive in a centrifugal
extractor and sling the honey out of it without using any heat in the process.  Heat destroys many of the benefits contained in honey.  Much of the honey sold in stores has been extracted by a heat processed so read the lable to see how it was extracted.