Health Benefits
In foods to treat irritable bowel syndrome
Inflammation fighter.  Fights colds treats Crohn's disease. To treat high blood pressure, insomnia, menstrual problems.
Helps with bronchitis
Helps treat ulcers, relaxes arteries, lowers blood pressure.
Helps with menstrual cramps
Fights allergies, applied to skin in a cream will help to 
relieve arthritis pain, in food helps reduce back pain and pain
of gout, treat herpes, high blood pressure, help lose weight, thins blood to help protect from heart attack, treat Reynaud's
disease, helps to heal ulcers. Reduces Cholesterol, plaque, Fat.
Reduces uric acid level in gout, treats menopause, treats amenorrhia.
Helps to relieve inflammation
Helps regulate blood sugar to assure stamina, lowers          triglycerides, lowers LDL, raises HDL, and drops blood
pressure, Soothes sore throats, boost blood flow to the brain,inflammation fighter, can help treat menopause, ulcers,
menstrual problems, and vaginitis.
Inflammation fighter, breath freshener, antiseptic & pain     killer tones uterine muscles after pregnancy, treats ulcers.
Protects against colon cancer & alzheimers disease
Treats burns, infections, & menopause
Reduces infection, relieves diarrhea of AIDS, prevents allergy, anti-inflammatory in arthritis, and with chronic fatigue syndrome open air passages in asthma, lowers triglycerides, protects against atherosclerosis, antifungal compound to treat athletes foot, help relieve bronchitis, in a poultice to treat burns, strengthens immune system aginst colds, as an oil to treat ear infection, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, dissolves blood clots, treat heartburn, treat herpes, fight infection, treat lupus, lose weight, treat prostate problems, to improve blood circulation in Reynauds disease, treats stress, 
anticoagulant to help prevent stroke, treat ulcers, treat vaginitis.
Anise Seed
Bay Leaf
Chili Powder
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Cause ovarian endometrial cancer cells to self destruct, quash
viruses, soothe sore throats, zap colds, boost circulation to
skin which raises energy level and awareness, eases arthritis,
lower muscle spasms in menstrual cramps, as effective as 
ibuprofen in menstrual cramps, blocks prostoglandins which 
triger pain and inflamation in the scalp blood vessels. Inflamation fighter, increase mobility in arthritis sufferers,
controlls allergies, antifungal compound to treat athletes foot,
treats bronchitis, colds, anti depressent, treats fibromyalgia,
lowers cholesterol to prevent heart attacks, treats heartburn,
treats IBS (irritable bowl syndrome), pain reliever for menstrual problems, treats MS, helps lose weight, reduce morning
sickness, and is an anticoagulant to prevent stroke.
Antiseptic use to treat bronchitis, aroma thearapy use to relax
tension and lower blood pressure, message aromatherapy treatment for constipation.
Breath freshener, analgesic, antioxidant, sedative effect.
To relieve arthritus pain, message mustard oil over whole body or specific joints, open air passages to help with asthma, to treat Reynauds's disease.
Prevent inflamation from flairing in the digestive tract, reuce
risk of colin stomach bladder cancers, effective in preventing bone density loss in menopausal women, helps prevents allergies
by stimulating production of IgA in the gastro intestinal tract
in order to flush allergens from the body.
Inflammation fighter, heavy in antioxidants it has 42 times more
antioxidents than apples and 30 times more than potatoes, it fights staff & e choli bacteria, it treats high blood pressure.
Soothes joint pain and muscle stiffness.
Inflamation fighter, breath freshener, as a juice it can treat
diarrhea, reduce swelling of fibrocystic disease, treat heart burn, as a juice to treat menopause, to help lose weigh when consumed as a juice.
Refreshes oily scalps, enhances concentration, antioxident and memory enhancer for alzheimers disease, massage oil and bath water use for arthritus, massage oil to relax back muscles, aroma thearapy for cancer fatigue, massage oil for constipation,
massage legs to treat cystitis, massage over gaulbladder to relieve pain, massage or place in warm water to soak gout affected areas, relieves menstrual cramps, massage affected areas to increase circulation in Reynauds disease, and sedate and relax stress.
Treats high blood pressure
Inflammation fighter, aroma thearapy treatment in alzheimers disease, massage oil to relieve back pain, to dry up milk production if no longer breastfeeding, has sedative effect.
Sesame Seed
Black sesame seeds as a food reduce back pain, message oil to 
warm hands of Reynaud's disease, antioxidants.
Treats high blood pressure, fights cancer cells.
Inflammation fighter, antivirul to fight colds, treats ulcers.
Boost brain power, helps prevent alzheimers disease, used to treat wounds and blemishes, sip as tea after childbirth, inhibits replication of HIV virus, treats Rhueumatoid Arthritus,
treats asthma, helpful in treating atherosclerosis, anti inflammatory to treat bursitis, treat carpet tunnel syndrome,
treat gallbladder disease, lowers cholesterol to prevent heart attacks, treats MS, treats stroke, treats ulcers.
Treats pain
Antibacterial, antioxidant.
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Information on this page taken from Nutritional Almanac #5
Used to fight skin disease, to control uterine hemorrhage,also
used as a diuretic.
In a tea savory aids in healing colds and cough, while it can also act as an expectorant, treats diarrhea, fights infection.
Reduces fatigue and promotes immunity.
Reduces gas and bloating, relieve pain, control blood sugar.
Black Pepper
Kills pre cancerous colon, bowel, breast, & skin cells
Helps Pancreas produce insulin reducing diabetes risk